The Davao City Library and Information Center is a division under the Executive Department, Office of the Mayor which aims to make library services responsive to the needs of 21st-century clients and provide innovative and excellent programs that will serve the Davao City community. The Davao City Library was established in the year 1938. On October 31, 1957, when the USIS Library was closed, all the book collection, pieces of furniture, and some library equipment were donated to the City Library. On July 13, 1965, the City Council thru the Resolution No. 676 established the City Library as a separate office of the City Government of Davao. The general services offered by the office include:
The general services offered by the office includes:
- Administrative Services
- Directs researchers to appropriate book and other sources of information in the
- Receives/releases and records incoming/ outgoing communications
- Encodes communications in the system, sorts and files documents
- Prepares and controls office budget
- Generates/updates regular, back pay, special payrolls, and vouchers.
- Prepares supplemental and amendatory supplies procurement plan
- Receives, records, and controls office supplies and materials issued.
- Prepares PRs, PO vouchers, reimbursements, replenishments, and liquidation of cash advances.
- Photocopies books and other reference materials
- Monitors the daily attendance of the staff
- Files and updates leave cards of employees
- Computes and submits MRA
- (Monthly Report of
- Attendance)
- Maintains service vehicles on minor repairs and ensures the good running condition
- Maintains the cleanliness and orderliness of the library
- Issues Library and borrowers’ cards to clients
- Technical Services
- Receives/controls books for accessioning
- Catalogs and classifies books according to accepted standards and current cataloging practices
- Encodes and edits data into computerized databases including the card catalog
- Files card catalog and Periodical Index
- Does mechanical preparation of the library collection
- Discards obsolete library materials
- Preserves library materials through plastic covering, repair, bindery, reprinting
- Pulls out index cards of condemned books
- Posts monthly exhibits and bulletin board displays
- Trains students from different Universities and Designated Libraries for on-job-training in Technical Works
- Maintains and ensures a current and accurate inventory of books, magazines, and other library files.
- Reviews requested a list of materials for acquisition and assists in the collection development.
- Reader’s Services
- Entertains queries in person, over the phone, or via email
- Directs researchers to appropriate books and other sources of information in the Circulation, Reference, Filipiniana, Periodical, Dabaweñana
- Loans out library materials to clients
- Handles library tours and awareness through lectures upon request
- Updates clippings & indexes significant historical articles
- Organizes information in the Vertical File
- Maintains thematic arrangement of books
- Prepares monthly reports, statistics, and other forms required
- Performs library marketing
- Evaluates library collection
- Trains students from different Universities and Designated Librarians for on-the-job training in Reader’s Services
- Compiles statistical reports
- Provides library services to children and young adults through storytelling and other children’s activities
- Handles library tours and library awareness
- Organizes children’s books for convenient access
- Organizes story hours, summer reading events
- Responds to queries
- Searches standard reference materials and manages online access
- Creates attractive and timely displays to enhance children’s library experience
- Provides reference and reader’s service guidance to children
- Information Technology
- Assists library users in the utilization of Online Public Access Catalog, Internet Access, and other online database searches
- Develops and enhances the library presence the effective use, search, and library marketing through the library portal and website
- Provides basic digital literacy to client’s instruction in the use of digital technology
- Oversees training and instruction of staff on computer services in the emerging library technologies
- Posts monthly exhibits and activities on the website
- Schedules bookings on the use of computer/conference rooms
- Acts as a Center Manager for Tech4Ed resources installed in the library
- Collects and maintains monthly reports of the usage
- Establishes preventive maintenance, security, backup, and disaster recovery procedures
- Establishes links with DOST and DICT
- Extension Services
- Assists clients with their research needs
- Conducts storytelling with pupils
- Adopts other services responsive to the needs of their clientele
- Participants actively in community activities
- Does custodial jobs
- Catalogs and Classifies books
- Accessions of newly acquired/donated books
- Preserves library materials through the plastic covering, repair
- Prepares monthly reports, statistics, and library forms required
- Performs library marketing
- Coordinates, and supervises the scheduling of bookmobile routes to ensure wide coverage and mobile presence in the community
- Establishes links with Principals/Barangay Officials
- Provides outreach programs
- Rotates book lending continuously
- Conducts storytelling
- Conducts basic digital literacy
- Conducts lectures on disaster preparedness
- Trains students from different Universities for on-the-job training
- Other Services
- Digital Literacy Tutorial Services – the library could render to its clientele basics in computer literacy
- eGovernment Services – the library could offer its clientele access to government services online
- Workforce Services – the library could give to its clientele thru livelihood training in collaboration with partner agencies
The new city library is located at C. Bangoy Street, Poblacion District, Davao City. You may contact them at 0968 440 7981 or visit their website at
Circulation, General Reference, Filipiniana, Periodical, Dabaweñana and Digital Collection of the Library
- Loans out library materials to clients
- Gives assistance on the use of the Net, OPAC, E-Library
- Directs researchers to appropriate book and other sources of information in the
- Technical Services
- Receives and controls books
- Accessions newly acquired books
- Catalogs and classifies books
- Encodes catalog cards in the KOHA system and maintains the Library automation (On-line Public Access Catalog)
- Mobile Library Services
- Book Lending
- Film Showing
- Storytelling
- Basics in Computer Literacy
- Disaster Education Mobile Library Services
- Other Services
- Digital Literacy Tutorial
- eGovernment
- Workforce Development
The is located at 3rd Floor SP Bldg., San Pedro St., Davao City. You may contact them through (082) 222-7845 and (082)  227-3137 or visit their website at
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