Public warned anew vs buying raw lots

The City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) and the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) issued another stern warning to…

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Davao City Zoning Appeals and Review Committee reconstituted

In line with the Integrated Zoning Ordinance of Davao City, the City Government issued Executive Order No 34, series of 2023, and…

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Davao City Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program Committee reconstituted

To better aid in the reintegration of former rebels (FRs) and other former violent extremists (FVEs) in the community, the City Government…

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Davao City Local Project Management Team for the development of CLJIP reconstituted

Under the guidelines for Local Government Units on the development of the Comprehensive Local Juvenile Intervention Program (CLJIP), the City Government has…

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Davao City Halal Industry Development Council reconstituted

To align the efforts of the City Government of Davao and the private sector with the national government’s thrust and policies for…

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