P2.4-M worth illegal drugs seized at Sirawan checkpoint
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Despite an additional role to assist the Davao City government in the coronavirus response, the Task Force (TF) Davao also ensures no…
Categorized in Peace and OrderTF Davao rates Culture of Security community drill ‘not perfect score’ but…
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The Task Force Davao has rated the first community exercise not perfect but the Dabawenyos’ participation was commendable as it showed their…
Categorized in Peace and OrderDavao City re-imposes curfew from 7 pm to 5 am
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The Davao City government has re-imposed curfew from 7 pm to 5 am starting from October 15 until December 31, 2020, as…
Categorized in COVID-19Joint forces inspect warehouses storing chemicals in Davao City
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To prevent a Beirut-like explosion of stored chemicals in warehouses, the Davao City Public Safety and Security Command Center (PSSCC) has joined…
Categorized in Disaster Risk Reduction & Mitigation, Peace and OrderDavao City to implement QR code for better Covid-19 contact tracing
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The Davao City government will start the implementation of the Quick Response (QR) Code system in November to further improve the coronavirus…
Categorized in COVID-19