Davao City braces weather disturbance ‘Odette’ impact
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The Davao City Disaster Risk Reduction Management (CDRRMC) is bracing for the possible impact of Tropical Storm Odette, which is forecast to…
Categorized in Disaster Risk Reduction & MitigationBayanihan vax dates postponed to Dec 20-22 due to TS ‘Odette’
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The City Government of Davao has postponed the rollout of the second Bayanihan Bakunahan to December 20-22 due to Tropical Storm (TS)…
Categorized in COVID-19, Disaster Risk Reduction & MitigationDavao City is the region’s top LGU with most number of vaxxed individuals
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Davao City is the top local government unit in Davao Region with the most vaccinated individuals, recording 88 percent of the target…
Categorized in COVID-19Davao City COVID-19 active cases at 88 as of Dec. 13
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Davao City Mayor Inday Sara Duterte said that the number of coronavirus disease 2019 cases in the city continued to dwindle with…
Categorized in COVID-19Booster dose for senior citizens to roll out in 2nd ‘Bayanihan’ vax drive
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The Davao City government is all set for the administration of booster dose for senior citizens in the second Bayanihan Bakunahan …
Categorized in COVID-19