Davao City Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program Committee reconstituted

To better aid in the reintegration of former rebels (FRs) and other former violent extremists (FVEs) in the community, the City Government…

Categorized in Local Government

Davao City Local Project Management Team for the development of CLJIP reconstituted

Under the guidelines for Local Government Units on the development of the Comprehensive Local Juvenile Intervention Program (CLJIP), the City Government has…

Categorized in Local Government Tagged

Davao-Jinjiang flight launched anew

Direct flights from Davao to Quanzhou Jinjiang by Xiamen Airlines resumed with a bi-weekly schedule
starting October 29, 2023


Categorized in Tourism Tagged , ,

DCPO: Generally peaceful BSKE ‘23 in Davao

Davao City has been generally peaceful during the recently concluded Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) 2023, according to the general assessment…

Categorized in Peace and Order Tagged ,

ASU inspects cemeteries in preparation for Undas 2023

The Ancillary Services Unit (ASU) of the Davao City Mayor’s Office inspected with the City Economic Enterprise private and public cemeteries in…

Categorized in Environment, Peace and Order Tagged ,